Shift schedules that support all business types

- Setup shifts in timeline or calendar view with fixed or repeated patterns (Daily, weekly, bi-weekly & monthly). Shift patterns can be copied between employees making it very simple to manage.
- Assign public holiday calendars to shifts along with additional rules such as break time, night shift, overtime (OT) and more. All shifts can be managed either by the admin or supervisor.
- If the OT rules are enabled, employees can work OT (overtime) before the shift starts or after the shift ends. If OT rules are disabled, additional work hours are stored as extra hours.
- Employees can also convert extra hours to compensate leave hours that can be used at a later time.
- Employees can view their shift times, days off, public holidays and leave days in the mobile app calendar. Employees can also submit requests to change their shifts or swap with a colleague.
- Flexible shift schedules can be setup for employees who do not have a fixed working time allowing admins and managers to track total employee hours worked.