How HRM Is Important for Employees

Organisations rely on their human resource departments to perform various vital functions. Many recognise that their human capital is their most important resource and that they need to have a dedicated section that will take care of managing that relationship and fostering a conducive workplace culture and environment.

There is often confusion on the part of employees concerning what human resource management (HRM) means for them. Some erroneously believe that HRM is representative of the company's interests and are used as gatekeepers who police staff. In reality, HRM acts in the interests of multiple stakeholders including employees. Here is how HR systems play an important role in ensuring employee wellbeing.

Employee Onboarding

HR Payroll is the first stop for any new employee joining an organisation. It is the responsibility of the department to undertake employee onboarding that will help familiarise the new team member with various aspects of their new work-life including company culture and policies. They will also need to be trained on existing systems and whatever information they need to perform their duties effectively.

It covers the period between when a job offer is made and an employee becomes a truly productive member of the team. With a streamlined onboarding strategy, HRM sets the right tone in enabling new employees to settle down into their roles comfortably and confidently.

Facilitating Training and Development

Ensuring that personnel are well trained for their roles is a key role of HRM. Many roles within organisations continually evolve. It could be that new technologies are developed or compliance rules change. For employees to remain competent in their duties, they may require regular job-related training that updates their skills and knowledge.

Development programs seek to nurture talents that will be useful in future endeavours, particularly in leadership roles. HRM manages training and development programs that will better equip employees to perform their duties now and into the future.

Protecting Employee Rights

Employee rights are designed to ensure that workers are granted fair treatment from their employers. HRM is required to understand employee rights as mandated by law and help ensure they are abided by for their protection. This covers various aspects including contractual terms of employment, minimum wages, data protection, discrimination, rules on dismissals, resolution of disputes, taxation, employee representation, and much more.

Most employees may not be aware of the rights they are entitled to. It is for HRM to educate them and ensure these rights are not infringed upon by the employer or other stakeholders. They must develop and enact policies that keep the company in compliance with local employment laws. This may include filing paperwork and undertaking training sessions.

Ensure Employee Satisfaction

There are many ways that HRM can use to ensure employee satisfaction. From conducting surveys to organising focus groups, every effort must be made to ensure the workforce is satisfied in their jobs and their relationship with the company.

A happy workforce is a productive one. Employers are happy to invest where they know there is going to be a profit. HRM seeking to keep employee satisfaction and morale high is an indirect way of boosting productivity. This can be achieved in various ways such as providing beneficial facilities and amenities, introducing flexible work schedules, and creating a merit-based reward system. HRM works to identify areas of deficiency and develop solutions that will ensure the workplace is more conducive to employee satisfaction.

Managing Compensation, Benefits and Entitlements

When employees sign on for a job role, they do so on the understanding that they will get certain things in return for their work. This includes compensation that comes in the form of salary and benefits such as health insurance, parental leave, and sick pay. Entitlements like worker’s compensation and unemployment insurance are also often included.

HR managers handle these matters so that employees understand what they qualify for and get it. They are both a source of information for employees and facilitators. Whenever an employee wants access to their salary, benefits or entitlements, the go-to person has to be HRM.

Employee Welfare

Beyond compensation, there is employee welfare. This refers to whatever is done for the employee to ensure their good health, comfort, and improvement. Welfare seeks to boost the morale and motivation of employees so that they remain loyal to the company and its objectives. Many benefits and entitlements contribute towards welfare. They are often the result of collective bargaining and legal provisions.

HRM is responsible for managing employee welfare to ensure a loyal, healthy, and satisfied workforce. It ensures employees can enjoy a healthy work environment and improved standards of living. The happier and healthier a workforce, the more productive and dedicated they can be.

Rewarding Accomplishment

Part of HRM duties is evaluating the performance of employees. Whether it is through reviews or reports from supervisors, they can track the contributions of employees and their impact on the success of the organization. Identifying top performers is beneficial to these employees. They may receive rewards such as bonuses or paid vacations. it can be very satisfying and a morale booster to be recognised for a job well done.

Keeping track of performance can also help HRM to identify employees with the strongest potential for leadership and other key roles. Employees can look forward to achieving promotions and added responsibilities based on HRM’s ability to monitor their performance. Merit-based promotions are looked upon more favourably by employees who are more willing to follow the lead of superiors they know have proven their abilities.

Career Planning

HR managers can help employees to map out their career paths. Most employees have higher ambitions than whatever entry-level job that got their foot in the door. HRM can help employees identify their strengths and weaknesses during performance reviews and other evaluations. They can then guide the employees to pursue a career path that is more attuned to their talents.

Employees can seek advice from HR on what training to undertake that would further their career plans. In some cases, HR may be able to assist with continuing education efforts by recommending employees for tuition reimbursement programs or aiding in admission to certain training programs. These efforts can help employees to achieve greater success while inclining them towards remaining loyal to the employer.

Khun Sea
About the author
Khun Sea brings over nine years of diverse professional experience spanning across HR, recruitment and marketing in the technology and startup industries. Currently, she's making her mark in London's hospitality sector, leveraging her vast experience to drive innovative marketing strategies.